Third Grade  - 

They finished the seven key questions, more weather vocabulary, and the months of the year.   They will start the body parts, clothing and reviewing the colors.  During the 4th marking period, they will reviewed many of the lessons taught during the year.

Fourth Grade  - 

Lesson 7  - Our new lesson is on feelings. 
What's the matter?  ... Que tienes?
 They will review the following phrases:
 I am hungry (tengo hambre), I am sleepy (tengo sueno),
 I am thirsty, (tengo sed), I am cold, I am warm,
 I am scare,  and other feeling words.  
 Saying what they have and how they are.   Tienes  ... Tengo....
 They will learn when to use (tu) and when to use (usted) when addressing an adult..Also, we will discuss some ways Spanish-speaking families celebrate birthdays.

Lesson 8  -  What time is it?  They have reviewed the numbers 1-60.
In this unit they will ask and tell what time it is.  Talk about schedules, and learn how to ask different types of questions.

Lesson 9
- What's your favorite class?  They will talk about classes they like and dislike.  Talk about things they do in school.

Fifth Grade  -

Lesson 9 and 10  -  Breakfast  -  Lunch -  Dinner

Talking about the foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Fun vocabulary words to learn.  Students are encouraged to practice at home,  and when they go grocery shopping.
What do you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
What do you want to drink? 
Talking about what they want to eat.  What they like or dislike.
Also, they about foods in Spanish-speaking countries.

Lesson 11 - Daily routine and activities

Discuss things they do for themselves and things others do for themselves.

Sixth Grade   -

 Lesson 8  -  The Bank and Restaurant  -  They finished  learning the name of people working in a bank and restaurant.  Also, things  in the bank and restaurant.  They learned about the monetary value in most Spanish-speaking countries.

 Sixth graders are required to make a money report on their assigned Spanish-speaking country.  Money reports are due 20th.
Lesson 9  -  La ciudad - The City

In this unit they will learn names of more places in a city.  
Learn about where people are going, and where they are in different places around the city.  They will learn to describe how people are feeling and where things are. 
Also, they will learn interesting things about Spanish-speaking countries.

Lesson 10  - Getting around in a foreign city or country.
In this unit they will learn:
Words useful for getting around in the city -
Talk about finding and losing their way -
Practice telling others politely what to do and what not to do -
Learn about towns and cities in Spanish-speaking countries.